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September 2013

Immigration Detainees on Hunger Strike in Canada

Nearly 200 undocumented immigrants have been on strike in Lindsay prison in Ontario, Canada, since September 17th. These migrants are kept locked in cages for 18 hours a day, some of them for up to 7 years because Canada cannot deport them but refuses to release them. They are being punished …

Eyricka Morgan RIP

Another Black/New Afrikan transwoman has been murdered, more business as usual in this horrible world. As a 2012 study by GLAAD revealed: People of color, transgender people, and gender non-conforming people continued to experience higher rates of homicide in 2012. LGBTQH people of color represented 53% of total reported survivors …

Sci-Fi Against the Charter

Regular readers will know my love for speculative fiction in its various forms … so it is with great excitement that i’m calling your attention to this initiative against the racist Charter of Quebec Values the government has proposed: With the debate on Quebec value charter, the news fed us …

Violence Sells… But Who’s Buying? [Alpine Anarchist]

This essay is a review of The Failure of Nonviolence: From the Arab Spring to Occupy by Peter Gelderloos (Seattle: Left Bank Books, 2013) by Gabriel Kuhn; it first appeared on the Alpine Anarchist website. When, some months ago, I read on that Peter Gelderloos was among someone’s “favourite activist writers”, I wasn’t …

McNally’s Monsters of the Market

i was prepared to be annoyed by David McNally’s Monsters of the Market: Zombies, Vampires and Global Capitalism, and was pleasantly surprised that i was not. This book was much more nuanced and interesting than i had expected. (i had been somewhat mislead by his very short essay on the same subject …

What’s Killing Poor White Women?

Everything about Crystal’s life was ordinary, except for her death. She is one of a demographic—white women who don’t graduate from high school—whose life expectancy has declined dramatically over the past 18 years. These women can now expect to die five years earlier than the generation before them. It is …