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Fag-bashing in Quebec City, Boneheads Fingered

Not much to say, other than news reports on a young guy getting beaten up by four boneheads as he left a gay bar in Quebec City last Sunday night. Note of course that the police say they don’t really have a problem with the boneheads, as they’re “only” implicated …

Killer Lesbians Mauled by Killer Court, Media Wolfpack

The following from my comrade Susie Day arrived in my inbox yesterday: KILLER LESBIANS MAULED BY KILLER COURT, MEDIA WOLFPACK Four more Black girls just went bad. Young, 19 to 25; from Newark or surrounding neighborhoods; “troubled” families; having babies while in their teens – you’ve heard it all before. …

King Hatshepsut, the Female Falcon

Hatshepsut, female king of Egypt Bear with me – this may seem a bit off-topic: Tooth brings lost Egyptian queen to lightJONATHAN WRIGHTREUTERSCAIRO – A single tooth has clinched the identification of an ancient mummy as that of Hatshepsut, Egypt’s most famous queen, who ruled about 3,500 years ago, the …

Quote of the Day: Gore Vidal

I believe there’s something very salutary in, say, beating up a gay-bashing policeman. Preferably one fights through the courts, through the laws, through education, but if at a neighborhood level violence is necessary, I’m all for violence. It’s the only thing Americans understand. – Gore Vidal (Gay Community News May …

The Science of Homophobia

Getting play in the media: this article about experiments to make sheep gay or straight, from the Slate; a version of this article also appeared in the Sunday Washington Post. Science will gradually convince us that sexual orientation is innate, more like skin color than character. Condemnation of homosexuality as …