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Neocolonialism and Noise

  The world has changed over the past fifty years. There are different names for this change — neoliberalism, postmodernism, postfordism, globalization. The term i prefer to use is “neocolonialism”. But despite this clear reference to one specific thing — colonialism, the relationship between oppressor and oppressed nations, which i …


grand·stand /’gran(d),stand/ verb derogatory gerund or present participle: grandstanding seek to attract applause or favorable attention from spectators or the media. “they accused him of political grandstanding”   Just saying: i think there is a connection between neocolonialism as the current phase of global relations, and grandstanding as a personal practice …

FOR WOMEN ONLY: After Anti-War movements win or lose in Iraq… there’s still Women

WOMEN’S WAR DAILY #1 [A paper critiquing the political assumptions of today’s Anti-War/anti-imperialist activism by J. Sakai – Beyond McAntiwar: notes on finding our footing in the collapsing stageset of u.s. empire – has been circulated in the current issue of the maoist zine 8th Route.  Below is an alternate viewpoint from …

Night-Vision: Illuminating War & Class On The Neo-Colonial Terrain, review by MC5, MIM Theory December 1993

Although MIM heard that this book had some connection to J. Sakai’s Settlers: The Mythology of the White Proletariat, MIM does not distribute Night-Vision: Illuminating War & Class on the Neo-Colonial Terrain. All three books (Settlers, Night Vision, and Settlers sequel False Nationalism, False Internationalism) are essential background material for …

Night-Vision: illuminating War & Class on the Neo-Colonial Terrain by Butch Lee & Red Rover, Reviewed by Sunday Harrison of the Bulldozer Collective for Prison News Service

January/February 1994 marks another increase in the struggle against the new global economic assault. Among Mayans of Chiapas in southern Mexico, whose guerrilla offensive began January 1, and South Korean farmers marching 25,000 strong to the US consulate and battling 15,000 riot cops, the spirit of rebellion is fierce. The …