June 13th Caledonia Media Roundup

my apologies that this post is not formatted us mine usually are… blogger seems to be workinge exceedingly badly these days, the word plug in hit or miss, and half of the time it seems that i cannot connect to the site…

The main news in Caledonia/Six Nations over the past couple of days is that the Canadian State is clearly freaking out over what went down last Friday. While sensationalist reports of First Nations people “attacking innocent elderly” and robbing reporters have been bandied about in the media, in a sense that’s just window dressing for public spin.

The real slap in the face to the State is that a joint Canada-US surveillance team of cops was caught spying on the Reclamation Site, was successfully chased off, chased down, and (the best part!) had their spiffy SUV borrowed for just long enough for copies to be made of their log book, contact list, etc.

Ontario Premier McGuinty has basically issued an ultimatum, demanding the remaining barricades be taken down and that the Six Nations people cooperate in tracking down/turning over the seven individuals the Canadian police are charging with Friday’s action. Until then, McGuinty claims all negotiations are off.

This comes at the same time as settler media across Canada is calling for another armed intervention to “clear the natives” off of their land.

And now… the media report:

Top secrets in native hands, Hamilton Spectator June 13th
OPP files stolen in Caledonia, Toronto Star June 13th
The rule of law in Caledonia, London Free Press June 13th
OPP papers stolen in Caledonia, Toronto Sun June 13th
How long must Caledonia boil?, Hamilton Spectator June 13th
Ontario’s premier calls off talks in Caledonia over violent skirmishes, Ottawa Citizen June 13th
McGuinty cuts talks with Caledonia protesters, CTV June 13th
Protesters get ultimatum, Globe & Mail June 13th
McGuinty sets ground rules for more talks, London Free Press June 13th
End standoff, Ottawa, Ontario say, Globe & Mail June 12th
Soldier home on leave sees hope for Caledonia, London Free Press June 13th
Caledonia class action lawsuit launched, CHML AM June 13th
Canadian Professional Police Association Supports OPP in Caledonia, Calls for Federal Government to Join Negotiatons, CNW Telbew June 12th
Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs Supports Six Nations, June 12th
Joint statement by Minister Jim Prentice and Minister David Ramsay, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, June 12th
Aboriginal protester facing attempted murder charge, National Post June 12th
Seven sought in Canada land row, BBC June 12th
Protesters face arrest in standoff Calgary Sun June 12th
Caledonia suspects may be holed up on reserve, CBC June 12th
U.S. agents swarmed in Caledonia dispute: police, CTV June 11th
Native Protesters Hijack Border Patrol Car, Houston Chronicle June 11th

This morning there are also reports that the people at the Reclamation Site are dismantling more barricades. If true, this is presumably yet another act of good faith to try and get the State back to the negotiating table:

Natives begin to dismantle barricades, Edmonton Journal June 13th
Native blockades come down, CHML AM June 13th



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