Letter from Seth (2003)

r_s_hayes2005Revolutionary Greetings Everyone!

I take this opportunity to address all of you in this fashion to save time and conserve material and energy for tomorrow’s fight.  In this missive I wish to notify you that I have “relinquished” my right to my appeal to the Division of Parole from my last parole appearance where I received a two year hit.  I chose to end my appeal attempt which expires tomorrow, June 30th.  Because I am scheduled to appear before the parole board again in July of 2004.  Entering legal battle at this time can only result in revealing those tactics relied upon for 2004 in the event I am denied.

As it now stands, I am preparing for the next encounter with the Parole system.  I have new moves thanks to the various new parole decisions recently occurring that offer stronger argument.

Because you and so many others stood by me with letters of recommended parole release, support, and assistance to re-enter society, I felt you all needed to be appraised of the decision I have reached.  I hope to continue to receive your love and continued support down the line.

My health still remains a major factor and was one of the reasons cited by me to the parole commissioner, Brion Travis, on why I was relinquishing my direct appeal right for the recent Parole Board decision of the two year hit. I explained that due to illness I was unable and incapable of putting together a tight and responsible presentation.  To you I add, that thanks to the assistance of Susan Tipograph and her undying support and love, along with those of Tynin Jarret and Lise Kuhn (ditto in the love showing department), I now have renewed strength and I am gaining in strength and wellness. Through their combined contributions I gained control over my diabetic blood sugars which are under control, and am now able after to get back to working out.  The last four days have seen quite acceptable low blood sugar counts between 66 and 88 at the evening insulin shots.  This is quite a drop from the 350’s to 400’s blood sugar counts of the past 3 + months.  With their reduction I can now engage in exercises without fear of side effects and greater injury due to high sugar levels.  Thank you both (NYC/Montreal) for that chance to rebound.

And thanks to all of you for your prayers, contributions, support and love.  I have come this far simply because you have been with me.  Without you I would have long ago fallen into despair and insanity.  Your support, loyalty, and direct involvement has kept the beast at bay.  They knew that any attack would be relentlessly investigated, so they chose wisely to work underhandedly instead of directly.  Had you not stayed the course with me, I would undoubtedly have been picked off.  There is much to do comrades.  Much to accomplish and much new material to review, grasp and develop.  We all must recommit and steel ourselves.  Our work of recording, participating, and passing on this era of history now begins.  Let us all commit to those behind that we honorably carry the torch and when our turn comes will relinquish it to those worthy who step forward, committed to carry on the fight of freedom  for both land and humanity.  My undying love to you all.

Liberty in Our Life Time.

Special Love and Honor to Crystal, my beloved Daughter,

Build to win!

[Signed] Seth

K. KersplebedebK. KersplebedebK. Kersplebedeb

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