
Lefty Links

Adbusters is a nice magazine that specializes in taking the piss out of consumerism. 

AK Press is one of the world’s most succesful English-language anarchist books distributors. You may prefer to check out the website of their collective in Britain, AK Distribution UK London’s Anarchist Bookfair is an annual event worth going to if you happen to be in that corner of the world.

Anarchist People of Color

Anarchist People of Color

Anarchist yellow pages – “anarchist” meaning anti-capitalist and anti-government.

Apoplectic Press Apoplectic Press – neat cards, and activist graphics. The Artists Network The Artists Network of Refuse and Resist – some beautiful artwork, as well as t-shirts and other fun agit prop.

 McDonald’s is more than just another restaurant serving greasy food. McDicks is one of the largest restaurant chains in the world, with an insatiable appetite for megaprofits. When some revolutionaries in England made a flyer criticizing some of the multinational’s seedy practices, they found themselves at the receiving end of one of the largest lawsuits in British history. To find out more about the fight for a world without golden arches, check out the McSpotlight website. Or check out this cool non-commercial documentary about the McLibel case, which you download directly from the web! 
The Commoner

The Commoner – “and the commoners have just a simple idea in mind: end the enclosures” A web journal of anti-capitalist analsysis  Conchar Books is a radical used bookstore in Wales.

Freedom Archives

Freedom Archives – cds and videos of revolutionaries speaking of their lives, views and struggles

Our World is Not For Sale - Globalise Resistance

Globalise Resistance is a left-wing anti-globalization website based in England Kumtux Kumtux is Na’cha’uaht’s blog devoted mainly (but not only) to Indigenous issues from a radical anti-imperialist pespective

The Pinko-Commie Page is a great compendium of links managed by Michael Stec

Proud To Be Black – great collction of documents and links

Prisons Suck!
Resistant strains is a fantastic anti-prison poster project

Radical Rags is another good place to order radical t-shirts on the internet

Medical Advocates for Social Justice

Medical Advocates for Social Justice – worth checking out, because access to healthcare is an essential part of human freedom.

Mike Palecek

Mike Palecek – Iowa author and columnist. Volcanic Video – source of great radical videos


APEC 97 Remember the events surrounding APEC ’97? (the Seattle that wasn’t) Take a stroll down memory lane and check out the embarassingly shoddy KersplebePepper page !


  This Activist Shop is a good location to find progressive products, such as those made by yours truly. Good links all over the place.


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K. KersplebedebK. KersplebedebK. Kersplebedeb

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