
Cartoons by Peter Collins

Peter Collins is a 41 year old artist, activist and prisoner currently in his 20th year of a sentence of 25 years to life in Canada for killing a policeman. You can listen to a series of interviews with Peter in mp3 format at You can write to Peter at:

Peter Collins 079283B Bath Institution Box 1500 Bath, Ontario Canada K0H 1G0

From February 2nd to the 29th the Peter Collins’ artwork will be shown at the Pharmacie Esperanza café, at 5490 Boul. St-Laurent in Montreal (corner St-Viateur). The exhibition satirizes corruption & power as it plays out inside and outside the prison walls. Peter Collins began painting & drawing while being held in segregation. He is presently incarcerated in a penitentiary in Ontario where his art is censored, confiscated, stolen & destroyed by prison authorities. Against the odds more than 50 pieces have been assembled for his first public show. Also, on February 6th there will be a panel discussion and public forum at the Pharmacie Esperanza, on all things related to the prison system in Quebec and Canada. The panel will be made up of the following Prisoners’ Rights Activists from Montreal and Toronto:

  • Viviane Namaste- teaches at the Simone de Beauvoir Institute and has been involved in research projects around prisons and prison health issues.
  • John Ranger- Supporter of prisoners’ rights and Prisoners Justice Day
  • Gisele Diaz & Lilly Vidovich activists with the Toronto group PASAN. PASAN is a community-based network that provides support to prisoners on HIV/AIDS & related issues.

French and English translation will be availanle. For more information contact boundandgagged@ziplip.c om tel: 514-525-9109 to view the PDF flyer for this show, in English or in French, click here:

Bound and Gagged       Bailloné et Ligoté

The following cartoons are copyright, but non-profit progressive organizations can use them, all that is asked is that you write to Peter and let him know.

Bush #1
Bush #3
“Hey, I’m Just Trying to make the world a safer place”

American Dollars JPG 437K
Bush #4
Bush #5
Danger, Oil Men at Work JPG 416K
Peace on Earth GIF 194K
Bush #6
Bush Korea
The Real Driving Force… JPG 532K
American Graffiti JPG 261K
Iraq War
Weapons of Mass Destruction JPG 263K


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