The Trials of Ward Churchill
Just to let you all know, Ward Churchill’s lawsuit against Colorado University goes to trial in a few weeks. As the Ward Churchill Solidarity Network tells us:
A little over a year ago, Ward Churchill was fired from his position as a professor at the University of Colorado on trumped up charges of academic misconduct. His firing was the result of one of the filthiest media smear campaigns in modern history, crushing pressure brought to bear by a number of hack politicians including Governor Bill Owens, and the overwhelming cowardice of CU’s administration.
As some of you may recall, the Churchill brouhaha started when some right-wing students noticed his essay about September 11th, Some People Push Back: On the Justice of Roosting Chickens on the Kersplebedeb website. A media feeding frenzy ensued, along with a harassment campaign against professor Churchill, as the right mobilized to use this case as the first step in a more general rollback against the academic left. (For more on this see here – and yes that’s right, my little Kersplebedeb site is the “obscure website” mentioned.)
Now regardless of what one thinks of the Some People Push Back essay (gotta admit it’s not one of my favourites), or about the academic left, it will be a good thing for us all if Churchill delivers a spanking to to the university and political forces that had him fired.
To keep up to date on Churchill’s trials and tribulations, check out the Ward Chuchill Trial blog.
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