A Guide to Illustrations in Butch Lee’s Jailbreak out of History
- page 2: “Harriet Tubman, full-length portrait, standing with hands on back of a chair.” H.B. Lindlsey photographer, between ca. 1860 and 1875. Library of Congress (LOC) LC-USZ62-7816.
- page 6: “Five generations on Smith’s Plantation, Beaufort, South Carolina, 1862.” Timothy H. O’Sullivan photographer, 1862. LOC LC-DIG-ppmsc-00057.
- page 16: “Desperate conflict in a barn.” Wood engraving from William Still, Underground Railroad, 1872. flickr commons.
- page 17: Wood engraving after a painting by Thomas Noble, Harper’s Weekly, v. 11, (1867 May 18), p. 308. LOC LC-USZ62-84545.
- page 27: “Scenes in Memphis, Tennessee, during the riot.” Wood engravging by Alfred R. Waud, 1866. LOC LC-USZ62-111152.
- page 28: “Anna Maria Weems.” Wood engraving from William Still, Underground Railroad, 1872. flickr commons.
- page 29: “The Fugitive Slave Law in Operation.” Benjamin Perley Poore, Perley’s Reminiscences of sixty years in the national metropolis, 1886. flickr commons.
- page 33: “What Has the North to do with Slavery?” The American anti-slavery almanac, 1836. flickr commons.
- page 35: “A bold stroke for freedom.” Wood engraving from William Still, Underground Railroad, 1872. flickr commons.
- page 45: Golden jubilee of the Republican Party; the celebration in Philadelphia, June 17, 18 and 19, 1906. flickr commons.
- page 66: “Make way for liberty!” H.L. Stephens, 1863. LOC LC-USZ62-53190.
- page 67: “Cumberland Landing, Va. Group of “contrabands” at Foller’s house.” James F. Gibson, 1862. LOC LC-DIG-cwpb-01005.
- page 81: Detail, “2nd South Carolina Infantry Regiment raid on rice plantation, Combahee, South Carolina, and escaped slave named Gordon.” McPherson and Oliver, Harper’s Weekly, July 4, 1863. LOC LC-DIG-ds-05099.
- page 88: “Harriet Tubman, full-length portrait, seated in chair, facing front, probably at her home in Auburn, New York.” 1911. LOC LC-DIG-ppmsca-02909.
- page 95: “Harriet Tubman.” H. Seymour Squyer, ca. 1885. Wikimedia Commons.
- page 98: “Negro woman standing in window.” Doris Ulmann, 1930. Library of Congress (LOC) LC-USZ62-26633.
- page 101: “Sowing and Reaping.” Illus. in: Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper, (1863 May 23). LOC LC-USZ62-47636.
- page 102: “Women of the Confederacy statue at the Mississippi State Capitol.” Shawn Rossi, 2005. Flickr CC by 2.0.
- page 105: “Residents walk through the ruins of Richmond, Virginia, in April of 1865.” Alexander Gardner, 1865.
- page 109: “Glimpses at the Freedmen – The Freedmen’s Union Industrial School, Richmond, Va.” James E. Taylor, 1866. LOC LC-USZ62-37860.
- page 110: “Three women and one man hoeing in field.” W.E.B. DuBois collector. LOC LC-USZ62-103813.
- page 111: “Fugitive slaves crossing the Rappahannock river.” Thomas H. O’Sullivan, 1862.
- page 115: “History of Sea Island cotton.” Sketches by James E. Taylor, 1869. LOC LC-USZ62-116578.
- page 121: “Selling a freedman to pay his fine, at Monticello, Florida.” James E. Taylor, 1867. LOC LC-USZ62-117139.
- page 126: Henry Eldridge Bourne and Elbert Benton, A History of the United States, 1921. flickr commons.
- page 128: “History of Sea Island cotton.” Sketches by James E. Taylor, 1869. LOC LC-USZ62-116578.
- page 130: “Mary Fields.” 1895. Wikimedia commons.
- page 134: “Laura Nelson.” Photo postcard by G. H. Farnum, 1911. Wikimedia commons.
- page 140: “Beacon Tower and negro cabin, Cockspur Island, Georgia.” LOC HABS GA,26-SAV.V,2–82.
- page 145: “Martin Delany.” Wikimedia commons. “Frederick Douglass, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing right.” LOC LC-USZ62-15887.
- page 147: Edward Bailey Eaton and Matthew B. Brady, Original photographs taken on the battlefields during the Civil War of the United States, 1907. flickr commons.
- page 148: “Scene in the Negro quarter, Savannah, Ga.” George Barker, 1886. LOC LC-DIG-stereo-1s01852.
- page 156:
- page 157: Edward King, The Southern states of North America, 1875. flickr commons.
- page 158: Catalogue of the Hampton Normal & Agricultural Institute, at Hampton, Virginia, for the academical year, 1869. flickr commons.
- page 161: L.A. Scruggs, Women of distinction: remarkable in works and invincible in character, 1893. flickr commons.
- pages 162–163: “Colored Schools Broken Up, in the Free States” The American anti-slavery almanac, 1836. flickr commons.
- page 167: “Six Generations.” R.W. Harrison, 1893. LOC LC-USZ62-104928.