Butch Lee / 1940-2021

Butch Lee liked to compare life to a busy transit system, in which people were always coming and going. Butch herself has left, died this passing year 2021, after a long determined battle with terminal illness. She leaves behind comrades and friends and family who cared deeply for her. She …

NYC-ABC PP/POW updates December 28, 2021

Here’s the latest compilation of every other week updates: https://nycabc.files.wordpress.com/2021/12/updates-28-dec-2021.pdf NYC ABC, along with several other individuals and prisoner support crews, now send hard copies to all political prisoners and prisoners of war we support. If you consistently mail the latest updates to a specific prisoner, please let us know …

Interviews with On Necrocapitalism contributors

As the pandemic transitioned from science fiction to reality in early 2020, a number of writers and thinkers in the imperialist metropoles declared the impossibility of writing in the face of a future that is foreclosed. The M.I. Asma writing group came together to stake out a different terrain, thinking …

Russell Maroon Shoatz, Rest in Power

It is with great sadness, anger, and bitterness, that i have learned of the passing of Russell Maroon Shoatz. A prisoner of war for most of his life, Maroon came to symbolize not only the cruelty of the u.s. prison system, but also the indomitable spirit of resistance. In the …

Livres Anticoloniales et Antiracistes (en français!) à leftwingbooks.net

Ici Ă  Kersplebedeb, nous venons de recevoir plusieurs livres excellentes de l’Europe, en français, avec un focus sur les luttes anticoloniales et antiracistes, de la Palestine Ă  la France, de l’AlgĂ©rie aux États-Unis.Nous espĂ©rons que dans les mois et annĂ©es prochaines, nous allons pouvoir alimenter notre sĂ©lection francophone davantage. En …

Gift Ideas from Leftwingbooks.net

Pretty much everything on the leftwingbooks.net site would make for a great gift, if that is your thing this time of year, but here is a selection of some of our favorites. one of the best books i have ever read, or been lucky enough to publish, J. Sakai’s Settlers: …

NYC-ABC PP/POW updates December 14, 2021

  Here’s the latest compilation of every other week updates: https://nycabc.files.wordpress.com/2021/12/updates-14-dec-2021.pdf NYC ABC, along with several other individuals and prisoner support crews, now send hard copies to all political prisoners and prisoners of war we support. If you consistently mail the latest updates to a specific prisoner, please let us …

NYC-ABC PP/POW updates November 30, 2021

Here’s the latest compilation of every other week updates: https://nycabc.files.wordpress.com/2021/11/updates-30-nov-2021.pdf NYC ABC, along with several other individuals and prisoner support crews, now send hard copies to all political prisoners and prisoners of war we support. If you consistently mail the latest updates to a specific prisoner, please let us know …

New Books Now Available on LeftWingBooks.net!

The Anthropocene Unconscious: Climate Catastrophe Culture The Uses of Disorder: Personal Identity and City Life Ending Fossil Fuels: Why Net Zero is Not Enough Uncomputable: Play and Politics In the Long Digital Age Space Forces: A Critical History of Life in Outer Space Salvage #10: The Disorder of the Future …