2010 Certain Days Freedom for Political Prisoners Calendar

Here it is again, a beautiful political calendar created by a Canadian collective working under the guidance and inspiration of u.s. PP/POWs David Gilbert, Robert Seth Hayes and Herman Bell. Proceeds from this full color calendar go to the New York Task Force on Political Prisoners, the Palestinian NGO Adameer Prisoners Support and Human Rights Association, and the Olympic Resistance Network (ORN)-Legal Defense.
Devoted to the theme of Indigenous Resistance; in the words of the collective: “We offer this year’s Certain Days Calendar as our contribution to Resistance 2010, as a reminder that no liberation movement of any kind can lead to true freedom without dismantling colonialism.”
- Leonard Peltier
- Gord Hill
- Simone Schmidt
- Nidal El Khairy
- Theah Gahr
- Favianna Rodriguez
- Oscar Lopez Rivera
- Jesse Purcell
- Martin Matxco
- Ange Sterritt
- Jesus Barraza
- Jacobo Silva Nogales
- Statement for Oglala Commemoration (by Leonard Peltier)
- Why Protest Vancouver’s 2010 Olympics? (by Gord Hill)
- The Frontline is First Within Our Hearts and Minds (by Robert Lovelace)
- Addameer’s Campaign to Stop Administrative Detention (by Addameer)
- Defending a Common Home: Native/non-Native Alliances Against Mining Corporations in Wisconsin (by Al Gedicks and Zoltan Grossman)
- Resistance 2010! Resisting the G8 and the SPP (by Jaggi Singh)
- Puerto Rican Political Prisoners and Decolonization (by Oscar Lopez Rivera)
- On White Solidarity with Native American Struggles (by David Gilbert)
- Basque Political Prisoners (by Ivan Apaolaza Sancho)
- No ‘Justice’ for Canada’s Indigenous Women (by Maya Rolbin-Ghanie)
- Side Effects (by Jacobo Silva Nogales)
- The Chicano Nation: An Internal Colony Forges Its Indigenous Identity and Resists the Legacy of Euro-Amerikkkan Colonialism and Imperialism (by Alvaro Luna Hernandez)
$12.00 each, for ten or more for $8.00 each
(plus postage)
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