Antifa Forum
Antifa Forum Anti-Fascist Forum is a militant anti-fascist infogroup based in North America. It publishes a sporadic magazine, Antifa Forum, as well as an e-zine, the Anti-Fascist Info-Bulletin.
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Copies of Antifa Forum are available for $6 each from Kersplebedeb. Available issues are:
AFF #1 – Anti-Fascism in Canada A look at the neo-Nazi street scene in Canada, the relationship between the extreme right and the Canadian State, and a look at Toronto Ant-Racist Action in its early days.
AFF #2 Fascist networks and the Oklahoma City bombing, a critical view of the World Anti-Fascist League and the Anti-Fascist Militia
AFF #4 Dossier on anti-abortion movemenmt includes articles on “pro-life” violence in the US and Canada, Human Life International and the Catholic Right, pro-choice activism in Ireland and the US. Also includes pieces on the anti-fascism movement in Canada, Germany, England and Colombia.
Anti-Fascist Forum can be contacted by email at or by snail mail at:
Anti-Fascist Forum POB 6326, Stn A Toronto, ON M5W 1P7 Canada
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