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Report from Pittsburgh G20 Protests
Below, a report by an anarchist participant at the G20 protests in Pittsburgh (from Crimethinc): This is on-the-spot reporting just in from the first day of the G20 summit in Pittsburgh, which has seen a great deal of spirited resistance and confrontation—perhaps as much as has occurred at any anarchist …
Dave Renney: Scattered thoughts on the Leninist Party and Don’s Paper
Dave Renney: In 1914 after the collapse of the 2nd International and the start of WWI, Lenin spent a year studying Hegel. His notes are published in his Abstract of Hegel’s Science of Logic. Among other things he emphasized the importance of the subjective and its relation to material conditions …
Noel Ignatiev: C.L.R. James on the Marxist Organization
Noel Ignatiev: The attached is an excerpt from an introduction I wrote to a book that is supposed to be coming out this year containing two articles by CLR James. I am submitting it with two aims in mind: (1) to correct a misreading of James that has gained currency …
Tom Wetzel’s Reply to Hamerquist
Tom Wetzel: Okay, here is my reply to Don. In general I would say that a feature of WSA’s politics is that we don’t believe in over-emphasizing the role of the political organization because we see the mass organizations as the instrument through which the working class emancipates itself. That …
Drawings Lessons From Our Past: Lenin and Leninism
What can we draw from the past? And how do we draw things from the past? These questions, when you get down to it, are key to our project. Lenin is a figure whose historic role was so major, that to think about him in isolation is impossible. We contextualize …
All the Cliches in One Place: The Baader-Meinhof Complex and the State’s Wet Dream
Aust, Edel, and Eichinger have produced a cinematic moment that demolishes any of the romantic aura that may still surround these killers in some circles. -neocon Jeffrey Herf Only a movie like this can show young people how brutal and bloodthirsty the RAF’s actions were at that time -Jörg Schleyer …
H1N1 Conspiracy Theories
The following is a message i sent to someone with a nifty cool anti-imperialist blog, who back in 2009 was promoting Kevin Annett’s conspiracy theories about the H1N1 flu virus… Argh. Comrade, i do appreciate your blog, but Annett’s declaration that the end is nigh leaves me feeling very uneasy. …
2010 Certain Days Freedom for Political Prisoners Calendar
Here it is again, a beautiful political calendar created by a Canadian collective working under the guidance and inspiration of u.s. PP/POWs David Gilbert, Robert Seth Hayes and Herman Bell. Proceeds from this full color calendar go to the New York Task Force on Political Prisoners, the Palestinian NGO Adameer …
[ZNet] Anti-Semitism in Canada
Yesterday’s article by Yves Engler on ZNet, about the way in which right-wing groups and the Canadian government use charges of anti-semitism to advance their own agenda: Which Canadians suffer more discrimination: Those of African descent, Muslims, Latin Americans, South Asians, East Asians, Arabs, First Nations or Jews? If you …