Black Lives Matter march down I-35 by Fibonacci Blue

December 4 2014
This protest and march was in response to several unarmed people of color being killed by law enforcement in the United States recently and the subsequent lack of charges or punishment for the police involved. The most recent was Eric Garner who was wrestled to the sidewalk and held by the neck until until he was dead as he occasionally said, "I can’t breathe". On the day before this event, it was announced the police would not be indicted on any criminal charges.
The police stopped traffic about a half mile behind the march. Other police vehicles followed the march closely. As the march approached the Lake Street exit, a public address from one police vehicle announced over and over that everyone must leave the highway. Some protesters exited at Lake Street, but most continued.
Common chants:
"Black lives matter"
"No justice. No peace."
2014-12-04 This is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License. Give attribution to: Fibonacci Blue
via Flickr
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