Books by Maoist Philosopher J. Moufawad-Paul (JMP) at is very happy to now be carrying all tiles by J. Moufawad-Paul published by Zer0 Books, as well as those published by Kersplebedeb. (Moufawad-Paul’s book Critique of Maoist Reason is available through Foreign Languages Press.)
J. Moufawad-Paul is an academic with a PhD in Philosophy who works on historical materialist engagements with colonialism, subjectivity, aesthetics, and the contradictions of radical struggle. His book The Communist Necessity, published by Kersplebedeb in 2014, was a critique of social movementism that enjoyed a hegemonic influence over the North American radical left at the time. As Dao-yuan Chou explains in her Preface to the 2020 2nd Edition, “This book is ultimately a call to action. It calls us to do better, think clearer, understand more dialectically, and own our mistakes and our history—to develop ourselves into the creative revolutionaries capable of doing the thing we say we want: win to change the entire world.”
JMP blogs at MLM Mayhem, and that is the best place to see many of his writings on current events and also more general questions of political theory. He also maintains the blog Achilles, Powder & Lead, devoted to “engagements with literature, art, music, and what generally constitutes the cultural sphere of the so-called superstructure.”
To see a complete list of JMP’s books available for purchase:
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