2002 Political Prisoner & Prisoner of War Calendar
Time Enough 2002 Political Prisoner/Prisoner of War Calendar

This calendar proves that revolutionaries can produce material which is both radical and beautiful, without skimping on quality in any way. With colour splashed all over every page, and radical victories to commemorate and defeats to avenge found in every week of every month, this calendar provides a birds eye-view of revolutionary history in North America from a strong anti-colonial perspective. As is common with political calendars, each month focusses on a different aspect of the struggle. From the “Criminalization of Resistance in Mexico” (January) to “The Growing Movement Against Imperialist Globalization” (December), Time Enough also devotes months to the history of racial oppression in Canada, the MOVE family, Indigenous Resistance against Canada and the United States, and thats just for starters. And because 12 months are not enough to fight the power, there are additional pages devoted to medical care and abuse in prison, Death Row prisoners (including Mumia-Abu Jamal), the struggle for Puerto Rican independence and more.Representing freedom fighters from liberation movements and struggles for self-determination in Puerto Rico, Mexico, the USA and Canada, Time Enough is dedicated to the memory of Albert Nuh Washington, Merle “China” Africa, Kuwasi Balagoon and Teddy “Jah” Heath, four freedom fighters who died behind bars . Proceeds raised from the calendar will go to medical support for political prisoners. Time Enough is a collaborative effort between outside organizers and political prisoners Herman Bell, Robert Seth Hayes, and David Gilbert.Time Enough! Freedom for Political Prisoners Calendar 2002 costs $15 plus postage. I accept PayPal, checvks and money orders, but please email me before you send your payment so that I can put aside your calendar, as supplies are limited. “We exist! We’re alive and kicking!… and we’re going to keep on kicking until together we kick these walls down – in the prisons and the streets.”
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