PP/POW Calendar 2003
FOCUSING ON: Political Prisoners and Prisoners of War in Canada and the United States. Both countries officially deny that they have political prisoners, just as the South African government claimed that Nelson Mandela was not a prisoner of war in that country until internal and international pressur won his release. FEATURING PAGES ON:
- Political Imprisonment
- Fallen Freedom Fighters
- Statements by PP/POWs on the “War Against Terrorism”
- Art
- Prisoners Resisting Medical Neglect
- The Victory Gardens Project
- Parenting from Prison
- U.S. PP/POWs in support of Palestinian Liberation movement
- Native Resistance in the U.S. and Canada
- Racial Profiling in Canada
- Post-September 11th internment in the Unites States
- Anti-Imperialism
- Jailhouse Lawyers
- Political Repression in Force Isolation Control Units
COST: $15.00 plus shipping 2003 calendar with bonus pages, 11″ x 17″ size when open, printed in three colours All funds raised by Calendar Commitee will go to direct support of political prisoners and anti-imperialist struggles. Funds are being shared between the New York State Task Force on Political Prisoners, the Palestinian group Adameer (Conscience) Prisoners and Human Rights Association, the Victory Gardens Project and the Native Youth Movement. This project is a collaboration between outside organizers and U.S. Political Prisoners Herman Bell, Robert Seth Hayes and David Gilbert. Please note that as of October 2002 Hayes is facing a medical emergency as prison officials have had him removed from the prison hospital ward and placed in general population, despite his need for special care as he has type 2 Diabetes and Hepatatis C. For more information, please read the full alert from the Robert “Seth” Hayes Emergency Medical Committee .

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“We exist! We’re alive and kicking!… and we’re going to keep on kicking until together we kick these walls down – in the prisons and the streets.”
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