Polical Prisoner and Prisoner of War Calendar 2006 – Call for Submissions
We are looking for written submissions and artwork for our 2006 Freedom for Political Prisoners and Prisoners of War calendar. Submissions can be up to 800 words, and may include poetry, satire, statements, or interviews. We are particularly looking for submissions by ex or current P.P.’s and P.O.W.’s, their families and supporters. This year, as much as possible, we are seeking submissions that fit into the theme suggested by white anti-imperialist Political Prisoner and calendar contributor David Gilbert. We hope this year’s calendar will present an internationalist perspective, with an emphasis on the leadership of progressive movements in the global south. We want to highlight the links between movements occuring in all our local communities, and larger movements for global social change. As David explains: “There are overlapping potential movements [in the U.S. and Canada] that have failed to achieve the potential and needed synergy: antiglobalization, antiwar, and antiracism. They need to go together because the progressive alternative to the “war on terror” is “global justice,” and because the only reason Bush et. al. get away with their big lies and wholesale slaughter is the legacy of white supremacy. So the question is in what ways can we promote synergy? And additionally for white anti-imperialists, how can anti-racist consciousness be fostered among activist white youth? “As we know, the antiglobalization movement didn’t start with Seattle. The leadership has come from the global South, which makes sense because that’s where the contradictions are the sharpest. As we know, the Zapatistas and some women-led community struggles in India are prime examples. But there’s also a lot happening throughout Latin America: Argentina, Ecuador, Bolivia, Brazil. So, my proposed theme for ’06: highlight anti-glob. struggles of the South, to educate folks, to bring some of their political leadership to us, to promote anti-racist consciousness.” Submissions on this theme will be prioritised, but please feel free to submit on other topics. Due to space constraints, we may not be able to print all submissions. Please include a short bio of 2-4 sentences with your submission. Artwork will be printed in full colour. It does not have to fit directly into the theme. We need all written submissions and artwork by JUNE 1ST, 2005. Thank you very much for your support of the 2006 calendar project.
Who We Are
We are a group of people who are committed to doing work grounded in an anti-imperialist and anti-racist perspective. We work in solidarity with anti-colonial struggles, Political Prisoners and the rights of undocumented citizens and immigrants. We are queer and trans positive. Two outside groups, one based in Montreal, and one based in New York City work together with three New York State Political Prisoners: Robert Seth Hayes, Herman Bell and David Gilbert to create the calendar each year. Proceeds from the 2006 calendar will be used for direct support work for Political Prisoners and anti-colonialist and anti-imperialist struggles in the U.S. and Canada.
What Our Goals Are
We hope to raise awareness of Political Prisoners and Prisoners of War in the United States, many of whom are now in or approaching their 30th year of imprisonment. We feel it is extremely important that people on the streets recognize the history of today’s social justice movements, and how that ties in with solidarity for PPs/POWs. We want to emphasis the ongoing involvement and continued commitment of PPs/POWs in these same movements. Or other principle goal is to raise funds for groups doing direct support work for Political Prisoners and Prisoners of War in Canada and the U.S.A., or for groups engaged in the anti-imperialist struggles.
Contact Info
Please contact us with any questions, comments or submissions, at:
E-mail address: info@twelvemonths.org
Check Out the 2004 PP/POW Calendar
Check Out the 2005 PP/POW Calendar
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