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An Exchange on “New World, Hard Choices”

NOTE: issue #6 of 8th Route Readers Club had Bromma’s paper “New World, Hard Choices”. Following is an exchange around his paper. To read the original paper by Bromma, click here. An Exchange on “New World, Hard Choices” 4/8/03: I liked your paper. My main concern is the concern that …

Notes on XXIst Century Socialism

Hugo Chavez, President of Venezuela, recently announced the arrival of XXIst Century Socialism. This declaration, although greeted with great enthusiasm, left a residue of confusion. Since Chavez didn’t discuss XXIst Century Socialism during his recent Presidential campaign, and since there are virtually no public theoretical documents defining this new Socialist …

False Front: The Left and the “Anti-Imperialist” Right

As popular resistance to globalization and Western imperialism strengthens around the globe, something disastrous is happening: Leadership of the opposition is swinging steadily from the Left to the radical Right. Right-wing forces around the world are gearing up to fight against capitalism’s new world order. Every day on the streets …

Racist “Anti-Imperialism”? Class, Colonialism and the Zapatistas

I started off wanting to like “A Commune In Chiapas?” (This major essay about the Zapatistas, written for the English “liberation communist” journal, Aufheben, is distributed as a pamphlet by Arm the Spirit/Solidarity, Canadian anti-imperialist publishers who represent u.s. political prisoners such as David Gilbert, Albert Nuh Washington and Jalil …

Exchange on “Thoughts” (Feb. 13/2000)

What follows is an email exchange on L.B.’s  Some Preliminary Thoughts on Modern Class Structure Hello again, LB. Sorry, got pulled away for a few. Had to wander around gaza eyeless for awhile, waiting for my eyeballs to adjust to my new eyeglass lens. Then there was backed-up mail, and …

Some Preliminary Thoughts About Modern Class Structure

Introduction A scientific understanding of classes is indispensable for proletarian revolutionaries. Without at least some basic elements of an up-to-date class analysis, it is impossible to formulate workable revolutionary strategy or, in fact, to understand the most essential features of social life. Classes are large groups of people with important …