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Thinking about Warlordism

Nothing guts a thought so much as apologetic blahblahblah stuck at the beginning, letting all and sundry know that you can’t stand by what you’re about to say without establishing all your escape routes ahead of time. But there you go… i’ve spent (wasted?) too many hours over the past …

Police Infiltrating Militant Anti-Fascists in UK

Revelations of cop who infiltrated Youth Against Racism in Europe during the 1993-1997 period – he engaged in violence alongside antifa, had sex with his antifa “targets”, and eventually became a leading figure in various campaigns. As this pig brags today, “My role was to provide intelligence about protests and …

Comments on Confronting Fascism by Milton Takei

(Kersplebedeb Note: I received the following email from Mr Takei, who had just read the book Confronting Fascism that i co-published in the summer of 2002 (along with ARA Chicago and Arsenal magazine). I wrote back, suggesting that he may want to write a review for my site, and he …

Confronting Fascism Reviewed by Reviewed by Matthew Lyons

Ever since Italy’s fasci di combattimento rocketed Benito Mussolini to power in 1919-22, leftists have been grappling with the question of fascism — what it is and how to fight it. Fascism is a complex, contradictory enemy. It murders and vilifies leftists but often calls itself the true force for …

On peak oil, climate change, overpopulation, and fascism

Foreword This essay was originally written for the Three-Way Fight anti-fascist blog ( in the late fall of 2005. I’m not sure if it ever appeared there or not, though it was serialed in three parts in the first three 2006 issues of Turning the Tide (available from The essay was a response to …

Antifascism and Violence

These thoughts are provoked by a number of recent incidents: the assault on Sofia Papazoglou in Greece, bricks thrown through the windows of anti-racists in Bridgeland, Alberta, threats from Blood and Honour boneheads against Barricade Books in Australia, an autonomist youth center burned down by neo-nazis in Germany, as well …

The Crisis Is Here

We have entered a new stage of struggle, a new moment of possibility and danger. Western Europe is in the news; Iceland’s government has fallen, hundreds of thousands from across the political spectrum shut down France for a day, and now a wave of wildcat strikes is giving England’s government …