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Back Roads Zine

The following reposted here from a local queer mailing list: If you are a transsexual, transgender, or gender variant person who has physically transitioned outside of the traditional route, WE WANT YOUR STORY! For people who wish to physically transition – to change their body in ways related to their …

There’s a Fire Truck on My Ceiling: Windi Earthworm Remembered

Windi Earthworm was an institution of the radical anglo left in 1980s Montreal. A crossdressing openly gay street musician who took it upon himself to educate the public about the Vancouver 5, the genocide of Indigenous peoples, the destruction of nature, and the miseries of life under capitalism, Windi was …

Homocide in Iraq

From Gaywired by way of IntelligentaIndigena: Iraq is one of only nine countries in the world where homosexual people are executed simply for being gay. While the New York Times reports that Iraqis are now able to “enjoy freedoms unthinkable two years ago,” – women are able to walk the …

Dead Cops & Spin

The following excellent article about killing cops in Oakland is from the radical queer Back Back News blog : Lovelle Mixon, Police, and the Politics of Race/Rape by Raider Nation Collective( raidernationcollective [at] Apr 13th, 2009 3:40 PM In short, there are those who are automatically guilty and those …

The Crisis Is Here

We have entered a new stage of struggle, a new moment of possibility and danger. Western Europe is in the news; Iceland’s government has fallen, hundreds of thousands from across the political spectrum shut down France for a day, and now a wave of wildcat strikes is giving England’s government …

Biofuels, Development and Patriarchy

From the May 6, 2008 issue of New Scientist: The image of biofuels is rapidly tarnishing. Already under fire for displacing food production and tropical forests, they are now charged with marginalising poor rural women. In a report published on 21 April, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization concludes that …