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Important Stats about New Afrikan Transwomen

A year ago, Ebony magazine published a useful article about CeCe McDonald, the 23-year-old Black transgender woman who was sentenced to 41 months in prison for second-degree manslaughter despite clear evidence that she was simply defending herself from a violent racist and transphobic attack. It was a good article, and included …

“And so, I am an instrument who will take vengeance”

Stories going around Ciudad Juarez about a woman killing rapist bus drivers, superheroine style, and going by the name Diana, Huntress of Bus Drivers, have gone international, now being reported on in the LA Times, the Guardian, and elsewhere.  As BBC reported on Monday: Mexican police investigating the murder of …

Kill the Kids First: The Coming of Black Genocide

The following essay was first published over twenty years ago; it is one of several texts which will be republished later this year by Kersplebedeb in a volume with the provisional title, Snapshots from the Scene of a Crime. It is being posted on this site ahead of time as …

Snapshot of Genocide

An excerpt from Loic Wacquant’s Punishing the Poor: The Neoliberal Government of Social Insecurity (Duke University Press 2009), pages 59-73: The Gaols of the Subproletariat: An Experimental Verification It suffices, to discern the extrapenological functions served by the outsized extension of the US carceral apparatus even as crime plummeted for …

Fear Of The Shivers Of Freedom

The following text was written by West German feminist Ingrid Strobl in the 1980s. It was translated into English and published in the European anti-imperialist magazine Clash #6 and was subsequently reprinted in the North American anti-imperialist magazine Breakthrough #23 – Fall 1992. Note that much of the historical data on …

Out: The Making of a Revolutionary

Convicted of the 1983 U.S. Capitol Bombing, and “conspiring to influence, change, and protest policies and practices of the United States government through violent and illegal means”, Laura Whitehorn, an out lesbian and one of six defendants in the Resistance Conspiracy Case, spent 14 years in prison. “OUT” is the …


The Kersplebedeb Library page is a list of links, on site and off, to texts and articles that are useful. Needless to say, for such a list to be of use the opinions do not all fall in one straight line, and it would be impossible for anyone to agree …