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Weapon of Theory

New World, Hard Choices: global empire and the new opposition

by Bromma (March 2003) [This paper contains shorthand summaries of several ideas relevant to the current world situation. Based substantially on published and unpublished writings by other people and on informal discussions, its aim is to promote debate.] The political/military hurricane swirling around Iraq, coupled with the 9/11 attacks and …

An Exchange on “New World, Hard Choices”

NOTE: issue #6 of 8th Route Readers Club had Bromma’s paper “New World, Hard Choices”. Following is an exchange around his paper. To read the original paper by Bromma, click here. An Exchange on “New World, Hard Choices” 4/8/03: I liked your paper. My main concern is the concern that …

Decolonizing Anarchism: An Anticolonial Critique

There was an “anti-colonial Victoria Day” book launch in Montreal on May 21, where Maia Ramnath presented her new book Decolonizing Anarchism, published by AK Press and the Institute for Anarchist Studies (and available from What made this launch special, and different from most such events, was that the …

Former Political Prisoner Laura Whitehorn

Since the 60s, Laura Whitehorn has been active in struggles from the civil rights movement to supporting the Black Panther Party and the Black Liberation Movement and the New Afrikan Independence Movement, to fighting the KKK and organized white supremacy, supporting the Puerto Rican Independence, struggle and fighting for the …

Thinking about Warlordism

Nothing guts a thought so much as apologetic blahblahblah stuck at the beginning, letting all and sundry know that you can’t stand by what you’re about to say without establishing all your escape routes ahead of time. But there you go… i’ve spent (wasted?) too many hours over the past …