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On the Justice of Roosting Chickens by Ward Churchill reviewed by Faith Attaguile for LiP magazine, Summer 2004 On the matter of 9-1-1, Ward Churchill takes no prisoners. “As ye sow, so shall ye reap,” is the message urgently advanced in his new book’s first section, “The Ghosts of 9-1-1.” …


The Lesbian-Amazon Novel by Ruby D’ The Lesbian- Amazon novel is never given the political respect accorded to books by  political writers like Toni Morrison or Zola. Yet, this is an extraordinary new branch of writing.  One that was born in the  1960s and 1970s out of the women’s community, …


Can’t see the wood for the trees’? by William Bowles Investigating Imperialism, 18 March 2005       The subject of this book goes to the very heart of what it is to be a man or a woman in our world and as someone who feels very much to …


Torture and Neo-Liberalism with Sycorax in Iraq by Peter Linebaugh CounterPunch, Nov 27, 2004 The new U.S. Attorney General, Alberto Gonzalez, disregarded torture in his infamous, post 9/11 memorandum to Bush: “In my judgment, this new paradigm [the ‘war on terrorism’] renders obsolete Geneva’s strict limitations on questioning of enemy …


No Surrender: Writings from an Doing Time for Political Crime Paul and Silas, Bound in Jail Peter Linebaugh Counterpunch, August 5th 2004 Dave Gilbert, serving a life-sentence in New York, has just come out with an important, wonderful book, No Surrender: Writings from an anti-imperialist political prisoner, and Staughton Lynd, …

The arcane of reproductive production

The arcane of reproductive production Aufheben #13 Introduction One of the main contentions at the core of Autonomist Marxism is that all human activity in either the sphere of production or in circulation and reproduction is potentially productive, that is, can contribute to the valorisation of capital. The work of …

Women and the prison industrial complex

Women and the prison industrial complex by Val Codd Off Our Backs,  Feb 2001 The U.S. war on drugs has become a war on women, specifically women of color. According to a Department of Justice Report, since federal drug laws ushered in mandatory sentencing in 1986, the incarceration rate for …

Femicide Made in Mexico

Femicide Made in Mexico by Corie Osborn Off Our Backs March/April 2004 For the past decade, a sexual genocide has raged virtually unnoticed in Juarez, the largest city in the Mexican state of Chihuahua. Approximately 370 women have been found murdered in the State of Chihuahua over the past decade, …