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Interview: Juarez Mother Counters Violence with Activism

Interview: Juarez Mother Counters Violence with Activism by Corie Osborn Off Our Backs,  Mar/Apr 2004 Norma Andrade is advocating on behalf of her daughter Lilia Alejandra Garcia Andrade and hundreds of other young women who have been found murdered in Ciudad Juarez in the past ten years. Andrade has been …

Women Who Found A Way Creating a Women’s Language

Women Who Found A Way Creating a Women’s Language by Christie K K Leung Off Our Backs,  Nov/Dec 2003 In ancient China, women were excluded from any standard education. Education of a man was a very good investment that would be rewarded if one day this man became a government …

Rape Nation

Rape Nation From prisons to barracks and from Iraq to Tennessee, military sexual abuse is running rampant. By Kari Lydersen, AlterNet. Posted July 2, 2004.   As a new officer in the Air Force who trusted the institution and the men she worked with, Dorothy Mackey didn’t think she would …

Windows to freedom: Radical feminism at a jail library

Windows to freedom: Radical feminism at a jail library by Karla Mantilla Off Our Backs,  Feb 2001 off our backs collective member Karla Mantilla interviewed Claudine O’Leary by phone regarding her work in a prison library in a Chicago jail. oob: Tell me about your work with women prisoners. co: …

Trapped by patriarchy: Women in prison

Women in Prison Tell It Like It Is by War, Darcy K,  R, Karen,  R, Shannon Off Our Backs,  Feb 2001 off our backs solicited the stories of women prisoners, asking them to tell their stories for publication. Here are some of their responses. I am a woman. I am …

Women in Prison Tell It Like It Is

Women in Prison Tell It Like It Is by War, Darcy K,  R, Karen,  R, Shannon Off Our Backs,  Feb 2001 off our backs solicited the stories of women prisoners, asking them to tell their stories for publication. Here are some of their responses. I am a woman. I am …