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Even in the Ruins, Race Matters

Even In The Ruins Race Matters  by Playthell Benjamin (from Black World Today 9/27/2001)  One morning a few days after the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center a young Afro-American woman called in to C-Span and asked whether all the talk about the new unity of purpose being forged …

Prof: Never BAck Down

Prof: Never Back Down Activist Russell Means joins Ward churchill to defend essay by Howard Pankratz and George Merritt Denver Post Staff Writers Boulder – Met by wild applause Tuesday night from hundreds of supporters, controversial University of Colorado professor Ward Churchill strongly attacked Gov. Bill Owens and the CU …

The Distortions of Acumen: Liberals Trash Ward Churchill

The Distortions of Acumen: Liberals Trash Ward Churchill By Joshua Frank Press Action, February 4th 2005   I am sure you’ve heard of Ward Churchill’s latest tribulations—so I’ll save you the repetition. However, I bet what you didn’t know was that liberals were running hand in hand with conservatives in …

After the Taliban, Women Still Suffer

After the Taliban, women still suffer Kidnappings and wife beatings go on, three years after the liberation of Afghans from the Taliban regime Declan Walsh in KandaharSunday November 7, 2004The Observer Eyes darting back and forth, crouching against a wall, Anar Gul has the distressed look of a chained animal. …

A Message to the Troops, Would-be Troops and Other Youth

A Message to Troops, Would-be Troops and Other Youth By Jeff Paterson Note: On August 30, 1990, 22-year-old Marine Corporal Jeff Paterson refused to board a military plane in Hawaii heading to Saudi Arabia. He was the first active-duty military resister in the U.S.-led attack on Iraq. The photo of …

US Threatened Taliban

Threat of U.S. strikes passed to Taliban weeks before NY attack Jonathan Steele, Ewen MacAskill, Richard Norton-Taylor and Ed Harriman Saturday September 22, 2001 The Guardian  Osama bin Laden and the Taliban received threats of possible American military strikes against them two months before the terrorist assaults on New York …

Johnson: Churchill Not Alone In Pointing the Finger

Johnson: Churchill not alone in pointing accusatory finger February 2, 2005 Rocky Mountaion News I listened to the endless chatter about it on talk radio. I read the news stories, along with the editorials condemning Ward Churchill’s essay. I have just gotten around to reading what the professor actually wrote. …

by war of introduction (S11 anti-war article)

by way of introduction… this introduction is found in the pamphlet S11: Truth and Consequences (Solidarity-Arm the Spirit 2001, ISBN 1-894820-35-5), available for $2.75 US from Kersplebedeb (email me for details ) Passenger planes smash into the symbols of American economic and military power – longtime symbols of unspeakable human …