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Leftist Listening Points

Leftist Listening Points By Matt Meyer What would life be like if the left could actually learn to listen? In all of the current talk about the possibilities of this being a “teachable moment,” even those of us committed to a Freirian approach seem to have forgetten that the best …

Fighting the Next War, Not the Last

Fighting the Next War, Not the Last One by Michael Novick  It has been said that generals are always preparing to fight the last war. In this case, it looks like the generals and spy-masters are way out in front fighting the next one, while it is we on the …

Circling their Wagons

Circling their Wagons this text is found in the pamphlet S11: Truth and Consequences (Solidarity-Arm the Spirit 2001, ISBN 1-894820-35-5), available for $2.75 US from Kersplebedeb (email me for details ) Like Pavlov’s Dog, many White Americans have harkened back to their traditional cultural rituals in this time of crisis, …

The situation of PP/POWs following S11

From The Jericho Movement : The social and political pandemonium following the attacks against the World Trade Center and the Pentagon is allowing many governmental policies to be implemented with virtually no scrutiny from the general public. The most drastic of these measures to date has been the ability for …

Ward Churchill is Neocon Test Case for Academic Purges

Ward Churchill is Neocon Test Case for Academic Purges Emma Perez, Chair of Ethnic Studies, U of Colorado February 15, 2005 We’ve done some preliminary research and analysis and it’s become clear exactly what’s at stake and what we’re up against. CU-Boulder has been made the national frontline of the …

West London Anarchists and Radicals

Statement by West London Anarchists and Radicals  As the bombs fall on Afghanistan murdering the first civilians (only acknowledged in the bourgeois press when UN workers were amongst the dead), the war aims of capital become a little clearer.  Ostensibly, this is a war against terrorism.  Like the war on …

The termination and removal of Ward Churchill

The termination and removal of Ward Churchill by Scott Richard Lyons Indian Country February 17, 2005 It’s been a bad couple of weeks for Ward Churchill. After being savaged by the corporate media for an essay he wrote over three years ago, then finding himself abandoned by an academic culture …

Raise Your Voice But Keep Your Head Down

Raise Your Voice but Keep Your Head Down  By Michael Albert ZNet, February 5th 2005 I first met Ward Churchill when I was working at South End Press twenty five years ago and Ward submitted his first book which was about Marxism and Native Americans. It was a collection of …