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No War but the Class War

No War but the Class War Against capitalism – Against the US government – Against state and fundamentalist terrorism this text is found in the pamphlet S11: Truth and Consequences (Solidarity-Arm the Spirit 2001, ISBN 1-894820-35-5), available for $2.75 US from Kersplebedeb (email me for details ) The September 11, …

Revolution Can Never Succeed Without Mass Support

Revolution Can Never Succeed Without Mass Support interview with Adil Khan  Adil Khan is a central leader and member Central Committee of Sazman-e-Inqlabi Kargaran-e-Afghanistan (Afghan Labour Revolutionary Organisation-ALRO). Adil has been active in Afghan socialist movement for last 21 years. All his family has been active in this movement and …

Terror, Prisons and the time to Rebuild

Terror, Prisons, and the Time to Rebuild By Matt Meyer At 8:30am on the morning of Tuesday, September 11, as my subway train took me just under the World Trade Center (WTC) from my home in Brooklyn to my job in upper Manhattan, I am struck by a headline from …

Why Is Ward Churchill’s Article On This Site?

Why Is Ward Churchill’s Article On This Site? by Kersplebedeb, Feb. 1st 2005 As part of a campaign to stop him from being allowed to speak at a small college in New York, right-wing student groups latched onto Ward Churchill’s essay “Some People Push Back: On the Justice of Roosting …

Why the Bush Administration Wants War

Why the Bush Administration Wants War Statement of the World Socialist Web Site Editorial Board this text is found on the World Socialist Web Site and is also found in the pamphlet S11: Truth and Consequences (Solidarity-Arm the Spirit 2001, ISBN 1-894820-35-5), available for $2.75 US from Kersplebedeb (email me …

How the CIA Created Osama Bin Laden, by Norm Dixon

How the CIA created Osama Bin Laden by Norm Dixon this article originally appeared in Green Left Weekly ( ). It is reprinted with permission, and is found in the pamphlet S11: Truth and Consequences (Solidarity-Arm the Spirit 2001, ISBN 1-894820-35-5), available for $2.75 US from Kersplebedeb ( email …

Ward Churchill and 911

Ward Churchill and 911 by Robert Jensen February 23rd 2005published by The Progressive Trail Ward Churchill has a right to speak about 9/11. And Ward Churchill is right about 9/11. I state that bluntly, even though I disagree with some aspects of the University of Colorado professor’s now-infamous essay, because …

Gore Vidal

Taking liberties Since September 11 the US is in danger of turning into a ‘seedy imperial state’, argues Gore Vidal Gore VidalSaturday April 27, 2002The Guardian According to the Koran, it was on a Tuesday that Allah created darkness. Last September 11, when suicide pilots were crashing commercial airliners into …


We Organize With Love in Our Hearts: building an anti-war movement By Chris Crass I was getting ready to leave for DC.  The mass mobilization was gaining momentum as the IMF/World Bank meetings approached at the end of the month.  I was excited about heading out early to do ‘Anti-Racism …