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We Organize With Love in Our Hearts: building an anti-war movement By Chris Crass I was getting ready to leave for DC.  The mass mobilization was gaining momentum as the IMF/World Bank meetings approached at the end of the month.  I was excited about heading out early to do ‘Anti-Racism …

A Crackdown on Dissident Prisoners

You’re in the Hole – A Crackdown on Dissident Prisoners by Anne-Marie Cusac It was September 19, 2001. Elizabeth McAlister had not heard from her husband, Philip Berrigan, in more than a week. Such silence on Berrigan’s part was “most unusual,” she says. Convinced that something was wrong, she telephoned …

Saying Goodbye to Patriotism

Saying Goodbye to Patriotism   by Robert Jensen A talk delivered to the Peace Action National Congress, November 10, 2001   This summer I wrote a book review for an academic journal — one of those terribly important pieces of writing that will be read by tens and tens of …

The Witch Hunt Against Ward Churchill

The Witch Hunt Against Ward Churchill Revolutionary Worker #1268, February 20th, 2005 posted at “We’re a tolerant society here, but some things cannot be tolerated.” — Bill O’Reilly, Fox News discussing University of Colorado professor Ward Churchill, February 11 2005 An intense battle is being fought out right now …

Killing the Messenger

Killing the Messenger: Ward Churchill’s Sins Against the Empire By Steven Best February 10th 2005 Press Action “The gross distortions of what I actually said can only be viewed as an attempt to distract the public from the real issues at hand and to further stifle freedom of speech and …

The Man in the Maelstrom: Ward Churchill speaks out…

The Man in the Maelstrom Ward Churchill speaks out on his controversial essay, the media frenzy and what the U.S. can do if it really wants to halt terrorism By Pamela White Boulder Weekly Feb. 10, 2005 It started when a group of conservative students from Hamilton College in New …


Feedback from the Internet Last updated February 5th, 2:30pm Over the past week over 70,000 people have read Ward Churchill’s essay “Some People Push Back” on my website.Several people have sent me emails commenting on Churchill’s essay, on my site, on how they see things.Many people may not be aware …


available from “Some People Push Back”: On the Justice of Roosting Chickens  By Ward Churchill When queried by reporters concerning his views on the assassination of John F. Kennedy in November 1963, Malcolm X famously – and quite charitably, all things considered – replied that it was merely a …

Afghanistan 1979-1992, America’s Jihad

Afghanistan 1979-1992: America’s Jihad by William Blum this text originally appeared as chapter 53 in William Blum’s excellent book Killing Hope: U.S. Military And CIA Intervention Since World War II (Black Rose Books [Montreal. London, New York; 1998]). This text appears here with the permission of the author. It is …