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Brutal Repression Against CIPO-RFM

Further brutal repression of the CIPO-RFM in Oaxaca THE MURAT GOVERNMENT DIALOGUES WITH VIOLENCE AND REPRESSION Sta. Lucía del Camino, Oaxaca, 16th September 2004 Brothers and sisters, At 9 in the evening, approximately 30 members of the Treasury Police, the PABIC, headed by Aristeo López Martínez attacked us again. They …

The Political Wrath of Hurricane Katrina

 The Political Wrath of Hurricane Katrina Paul Tiyambe Zeleza The Black Commentator, September 15th 2005 Like most people in the United States, I have been transfixed by the horrific images of the death and destruction wrought by hurricane Katrina on the U.S. Gulf Coast. The proud city of New Orleans, …

New Orleans Gets a Makeshift Jai

New Orleans Gets a Makeshift Jail Alan Zarembo Los Angeles Times, September 9th 2005 This beleaguered city’s attempt to rebuild its criminal justice system starts here, at the downtown Greyhound bus station. It is now a jail. The bus stalls are still numbered 1 to 16, but now each number …

Katrina Reveals Environmental Racism’s Deadly Force

Katrina Reveals Environmental Racism’s Deadly Force Beverly Wright New America Media, September 21st 2005 NEW ORLEANS–What we once called home is now a toxic wasteland. But our communities were polluted even before Hurricane Katrina. The 85-mile stretch from New Orleans to Baton Rouge is home to many African-American communities, as …

Deadly De-Hydration

Deadly De-Hydration Houseless folks in Arizona die due to inhuman heat and severe lack of shelter beds Michael Woodard/PNN poverty Scholar August 13th, 2005 “Hey joe… joe… JOOOOOOE!” But he didn’t answer back, as I screamed at my friend to wake up, rivers and oceans of sweat crawled down my …

Way Below The Poverty ( and Water ) Line

Way Below The Poverty ( and Water ) Line Clive Whistle and PNN editors September 3rd, 2005 People walking aimlessly in the streets. Food preparation on the sidewalk. People pushing shopping carts on the bridges and causeways filled with blankets, bits of clothes and a half-consumed jug of water. Homeless …

Blasphemy About New Orleans

A God with Whom I am not Familiar Tim Wise CounterPunch, September 3rd/4th 2005 This is an open letter to the man sitting behind me at La Paz today, in Nashville, at lunchtime, with the Brooks Brothers shirt: You don’t know me. But I know you. I watched you as …