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Making Shelters Safe for Transgender Evacuees

 Making Shelters Safe for Transgender Evacuees Lambda Legal, National Gay & Lesbian Task Force, Nationnal Center for Transgender Equality Transgender people identify as or express a gender that is different from their sex at birth. This includes people who are born male but live as female, or vice versa, and …

“Finding” America

“Finding” America M. Treloar Bring the Ruckus, October 2005 Author’s note: This is a discussion document from Bring the Ruckus. It draws on the work from several individuals, but should not be seen as an official statement of the organization. Before you read any further, let us suggest that you …

These are the people that the government abandoned…

These are the people that the government abandoned… Powerful Words of survival, struggle and spirituality of Hurricane Katrina Survivors filled the First Congregational Church in Oakland last Saturday tiny/PNN September 28th, 2005 “He was our Moses”, they stood together, bodies swaying slowly back and forth as if to carry their …

Katrina Exposes Racism

Katrina Exposes Racism Lee Sustar Socialist Worker, September 1st 2005 DECADES of official neglect, racism and the impact of global warming magnified the destructive impact of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans and other parts of the South. The mainstream media focused most on the big-money property losses–for example, the heavily …

Katrina Survivors Tell Their Story

Katrina Survivors Tell Their Story Sonsyrea Tate Washington Informer, September 13th 2005 WASHINGTON, D.C. – Ronald Breland, 53, needed a cold beer after the storm. “Our house was a two-story, so we didn’t expect the water to rise the way it rose. When it came up, it just flooded everything,” …

A Natural Disaster, a Man-Made Catastrophe, and a Human Tragedy

A Natural Disaster, a Man-Made Catastrophe, and a Human Tragedy Ted Steinberg Chronicle of Higher Education, September 9th 2005 Is Hurricane Katrina “our tsunami,” as the mayor of Biloxi, Miss., A.J. Holloway, has said? Does it make sense to compare today’s disaster to a catastrophe that killed upwards of 200,000 …

An Open Letter to the New Orleans Times-Picayune

An Open Letter to the New Orleans Times-Picayune Eli Stephens September 4th 2005 To the Editor, Your open letter to the President makes a strong statement about the outrage being visited upon the city of New Orleans by the Federal Government, but in simply calling for George Bush to fire …

Similarities between tribes and the 9th Ward

 Similarities between tribes and the 9th Ward Cedric Sunray Native American Times, September 6th 2005  The word tragedy can hardly signify the extent of the pain being suffered by many in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. While America comes to grips with the enormity of the despair, people, many of …

The American Left and the Battle of New Orleans

The American Left and the Battle of New Orleans Steven Sherman Counterpunch, September 9th 2005 About ten years ago, Michael Moore complained that while US leftists raced to Nicaragua to pick coffee, they did not come to his hometown of Flint Michigan when it was being destroyed by plant closures. …