Jalil Muntaqim Sent to SHU on Bogus Charge

Jalil Muntaqim has been sent to the SHU on a bogus charge (see below). Comrades from Jericho are asking that people speak with their own organizations and ask them to write or call the folks below to get Jalil out of the SHU and if possible a transfer to another facility.
The following report is from a friend of Jalil’s who visited him on Saturday January 29th:
On Monday, [Jalil] was taken down to trial regarding the photograph that was “recovered” in his cell (the photo was from Cetewayo’s memorial held at Hunter College this past March, in which a BPP banner was hanging in the background. Guards confiscated the photo on grounds that it demonstrated “unlawful organization.”) This photograph had been sent in through the mail, and therefore presumably been processed through Attica’s correspondence department. Jalil had lined up 3 witnesses for this bogus trial: 1. The head of Attica’s correspondence dept, to argue that mail sent in through correspondence could not be considered contraband after the fact; 2. The head of Attica’s gangs unit to show that Black Panther Party is not a designated gang (originally, the charges included gang affiliation as well); 3. Jalil’s counselor, to demonstrate good behavior and non-involvement in unlawful organizations.
When he arrived to the trial, he was told all 3 of these witnesses were denied on the basis of “irrelevancy.” He was therefore unrepresented and with no witnesses. A lieutenant was then brought in,confirmed that the photo was of unlawful organization, and Jalil was hit with 6 months SHU right then and there.
He has been in SHU since Monday, with only the clothes on his back. He has not been given any personal property, and was told he probably won’t receive any of it for weeks. He has no phone privileges, no commissary, no packages, and will eventually be allowed 5 books and limited legal materials. He will have only one visit weekly for the duration, and these are no-contact visits which take place in Attica’s SHU.
He is asking that people contact NYS Attorney General Eric
Schneiderman, as well as Commissioner Brian Fischer to demand that the
charges be dropped, Jalil be released from SHU immediately, and that
this campaign of harassment come to AN IMMEDIATE END! These charges
are entirely fabricated and show premediation on behalf of the prison
administration to lock Jalil away until his next parole hearing in
June.NY Attorney General Eric Schneiderman:
Office of the Attorney General
The Capitol
Albany, NY 12224-0341
(518) 474-5481Commissioner Brian Fischer
NYS Department of Corrections and Community Supervision
Building 2
1220 Washington Ave
Albany, New York 12226-2050
(518) 457-8126When you call and/or write, be sure to use Jalil’s DIN number (#77A4283) and refer to him as Anthony “Jalil” Bottom, currently at Attica.
Jericho would like to know what responses people receive. Please send an email to nycjericho@gmail.com or mxcc519@verizon.net to let them know.
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