Kevin Rashid Johnson STILL Being Denied Medical Care!
Kevin “Rashid” Johnson continues to suffer from chronic health problems and HAS NOT YET BEEN SEEN BY A DOCTOR. Despite the fact that he has carefully followed prison protocol and despite his being referred by two different nurses for an MD visit, he still has not received one. This was confirmed yesterday by a spokesperson for the prison’s Medical Department. Meanwhile, Rashid continues to suffer from an elevated pulse rate and chronic headaches, suggesting at the least a continuation of the blood pressure problems he is known to experience.
These health concerns are ongoing, and are quite serious. It is clear that the remedies he has been given are insufficient. The prison nurses are not qualified to make a full diagnosis. Rashid must be seen by a medical doctor.
Prison officials are OBLIGATED under the Eighth Amendment to provide prisoners with adequate medical care. Failure to do so is unconscionable. Says Rashid: “Medical neglect is a serious problem here. I personally have witnessed two inmates die from neglect. On the night of May 14th, Nurses Doak and Armstrong referred me to see a Dr. on May 15th. I have never seen a doctor.”
It is absolutely necessary that we maintain pressure on the Texas Department of Criminal Justice to increase transparency and accountability of corrections officials and to safeguard against abuse. We must encourage the officials to obey the dictates of the Constitution, domestic law, and international human rights principles.
We ask you to CALL and WRITE Senior Warden, Barry Martin, at the TDCJ Clements unit and remind him that health care is a human right: (806) 381-7080
TDJC Clements
9601 Spur 591
Amarillo, TX 79107-9606
CALL and WRITE a personal note to the Ombudsman at P.O. Box 99, Huntsville, TX 77342-0099
TDCJ Health Services Division Office of Professional Standards (936) 437-4271, Fax: (936) 437-4930
Take these simple steps to help Rashid. Please join the effort.
In struggle,
Jennifer Black
Prison Radio
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