“Marilyn Buck died today…”

Marilyn Buck died yesterday, surrounded by friends in Brooklyn.
As comrade Judy Greenspan tells us:
Marilyn died today not in the hospital but at Soffiyah Elijah’s house, her close friend and attorney with her friends around her. The federal bureau of prisons and the U.S. Criminal injustice system killed Marilyn by denying her adequate medical care, careful diagnoses, and timely treatment for her cancer. They allowed the uterine cancer to spread until it was inoperable. And they made her serve every single day of her sentence that they could for her “heinous crimes” of actively supporting the Black Liberation struggle, aiding in the escape of comrade Assata Shakur, participating in military political actions against U.S. Wars at home and abroad and remaining defiant and opposed to the U.S. Imperialist racist system every day that she was inside the belly of the beast. Marilyn Buck, Presente!
Marilyn was an accomplished poet – you can listen to Marilyn read her poem Wild Poppies in mp3 format by clicking here.
It`s a sad sad thing.
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