May 20-23: The Great Transition 2021, “Building Utopias”
Every year, activists and militants from the Historical Materialism network organize The Great Transition/La Grande Transition conference. While it still can’t be held in person this year, due to COVID-19, the silver lining is that all the panels will be available online, around the world, free of charge! One of our authors, Torkil Lauesen, will be speaking on a panel titled “The time for new global organizations to confront global capitalism?”
Here’s how the organizers describe this year’s theme:
One of the deepest political lessons of our times is that the radical left is undergoing a crisis. We are currently unable to articulate a clear vision for the future. “Anti-capitalism”, “anti-racism”, “Change the system, not the climate”, “Another world is possible”: our vocabulary expresses a negative and defensive political impulse, underlining our incapacity to put forward a positive, inspiring project.
Now is the time to act. The multi-faceted crisis we are going through requires the creation of new utopias. This is why The Great Transition invites you to reflect on alternative models and new political strategies in tune with our current situation. Click here for further details about our conference themes.
This year, we will be presenting over twenty panels covering various themes such as radical internationalism, alternatives to platform capitalism, the political economy of disability and the democratization of unions. Our keynote speakers include Holly Lewis, Asad Haider, Robert Brenner and Arlene Inouye. The theme – Building Utopias – is all the more important today as we seek to imagine and build the world to come.
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