Montreal: Perspectives on Racism, Colonialism, and Police Violence

mtldemofreddyvillanuevaTuesday, October 21 at 6:00pm
1590 Dr. Penfield (Samuel Bronfman Building, Concordia University), corner Côte-des-Neiges

Police violence is everywhere. It is visible not just in police killings, but also in everyday practices of surveillance, profiling, harassment, and coercion. In all of this, racism and colonialism are close by – though not always in the same way.

This event focuses on the connections between racism, colonialism, and police violence. Panelists – all of them active in the fight against police violence – will talk about how violence appears in the policing of migrants; in indigenous communities; and in places like Montréal-Nord, Halifax, and Ferguson, MO.


Panelists include:

  • Robyn Maynard (Stella, No One Is Illegal)
  • Nargess Mustapha (Montréal-Nord Républik)
  • Clifton Nicholas (Kanienkehaka activist and filmmaker)
  • El Jones (Halifax-based poet and activist)

Food will be served and whisper translation will be available.

Kersplebedeb will be tabling with recent publications, including Settlers (J. Sakai), Fire the Cops! (Kristian Williams), Undoing Border Imperialism (Harsha Walia) and more! Certain Days calendars and Slingshot organizers will also be on hand…

Even co-sponsored by GADAP; Justice for the Victims of Police Killings; Concordia Student Union; Geography Undergraduate Student Society; Geograds; SCPA Student Union; and Sociology and Anthropology Student Union.

Facebook event page

K. KersplebedebK. KersplebedebK. Kersplebedeb

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