[Montreal] Protest the Slaughter of Tamils in Sri Lanka!

The following from the Montreal Tamil Action Committee, about an emergency response to the massacre in Sri Lanka:
WORK TOGETHER TO STOP THE SLAUGHTER!Emergency Rallies in Montreal and in Ottawa!
Wednesday February 4TH
5 to 7pm
Complex Guy Favreau on 200 Rene Levesque westTamils and non-Tamils alike must work together to end the humanitarian crisis in Sri Lanka. As more and more civilians are affected by the Sri Lankan government onslaught against Tamil rebels in the North and Eastern regions we must unite to expose the growing humanitarian crisis affecting more than 250, 000 people trapped in the conflict area.
This brutal regime not only targets Tamil civilians in the conflict region through aerial bombardment of schools, hospitals and places of worship, it also targets innocent Singhalese civilians who oppose its actions against Tamils. News of recent murders, abductions and beatings of sympathetic journalists who cover the plight of Tamils in the country are testimony to the brutality of this regime.
The only way we can ensure that the Canadian government moves away from its silent and complicit position on this issue is through our united actions. On February 4th the Tamil Action Committee will support the call to action by the Canadian Tamil Congress in front of the Parliament in Ottawa between 1pm and 4pm and then in front of the Sri Lanka High Commission between 5pm and 7pm. In Montreal there will be a demonstration in front of Complex Guy Favreau on 200 Rene Levesque west between 5pm and 7pm.
We encourage our allies to join us on this day. Come join these actions and unite to end the humanitarian crisis in Sri Lanka.
*The Tamil Action Committee is made up of concerned individuals, Tamil and non-Tamil organizations campaigning to expose the human rights violations in Sri Lanka and to end the discriminatory policies towards the Tamil community in Quebec and Canada, especially towards Tamil refugee
claimants.Tel: (514) 342-2111
Email: tamil.action.committee@gmail.com
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