Slingshot 2002 Organizer

Dancing is TerrorismWhich side are you on? The principle guiding governments, the media and corporations is “each for them self.” The current selfish society benefits the powerful and robs the rest of us. But more and more people imagine a different kind of world based on cooperation, not competition – “all for one and one for all.” We are lucky to live in a time when people are organizing everywhere to fight for freedom. The struggle isn’t against “globalization” – its to determine whether the globe will be dominated by a few, or whether global solidarity and freedom will smash our oppressors. This Organizer is born out of this struggle. Its a struggle of love – love for the planet, love for freedom, and love for other people.
The 160 page pocket organizer (4 inches X 5 inches) has radical dates for every day of the year, space to write your phone numbers. More than a simple agenda, the 2002 Organizer includes: a contact list of radical groups around the globe, a menstrual calendar by which you can predict when your period will fall (if you have a regular cycle), info on police repression and COINTELPRO, “what is anarchy?”, DIY mental health, how to live without a car, and more. This year there are 36 different cover colors and textures, printed in either black or silver ink (see right for some samples). Ink color for the calendar is electric blue with orange phone pages. I only have a small number of these Organizers left, and they are going fast. I am afraid that due to this fact I cannot offer them at wholesale discount to bookstores. They cost $5 US ($7.75 Canadian) each, plus postage. Before sending your payment please email mail and reserve your copy. Those of you looking for time-keepers for next year may also be interested in checking out the beautiful recently-released Time Enough: Freedom for Political Prisoners Calendar for 2002 .
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