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The Crisis Is Here

We have entered a new stage of struggle, a new moment of possibility and danger. Western Europe is in the news; Iceland’s government has fallen, hundreds of thousands from across the political spectrum shut down France for a day, and now a wave of wildcat strikes is giving England’s government …

Calle Santa Fe: Remembering Those Who Fought

Calle Santa Fe 2007 / 35 mm / Colour / 163 min, Dir. Carmen Castillo, Chile – France. On October 5th 1974 the Chilean military and political police (DINA) raided a safehouse in a working class neighbourhood in Santiago. Miguel Enriquez, a leader of the underground resistance to Pinochet and …

FBI & Philly Police Set Up Anti-Fascists (anyone seen Grant Bristow???)

This could be heavy. Looks like the FBI and Philadelphia police may have been exposed setting up anti-fascists. Rumours of a klan rally, the only fascists who show up having ties to the cops, criminal repression of the anti-fascists… if it seems bewildering, don’t worry you’ll get used to it… …

Two Ways of Looking at Fascism

Matthew Lyons has a new essay up: Two Way of Looking at Fascism. You’re encouraged to check it out… if i didn’t have a busy day you know i’d be spending the next few hours writing up some thoughts, but seeing as i am busy i’ll leave that to you…

Opposing the Far-Right in India… in New York City

i just finished listening to this great interview with Biju Mathew, an anti-capitalist and anti-fascist Indian activist living in New York City. Mathew was interviewed by Montreal radical journalist Jaggi Singh about the connection between neo-liberalism, migration and the rise of the Hindu fundamentalist far right within the South Asian …