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don hamerquist

A Brilliant Red Thread named one of the Portland Mercury’s favorite books of 2024

Available from Good political writing is incendiary. It strikes a balance between the historian and the propagandist, while also (ideally) not coming off as the ravings of a complete crank. Northwest writer Don Hamerquist never wrote for a mass audience; he mostly organized behind the scenes of the American revolutionary …

Never Content: On Don Hamerquist’s “A Brilliant Red Thread” [Jarrod Shanahan in the LA Review of Books]

[Mirrored from, where it was posted May 12, 2023.] A Brilliant Red Thread: Revolutionary Writings from Don Hamerquist (Kersplebedeb, 2023) “TODAY WE FACE a bewildering conundrum,” writes Luis Brennan. “[M]illions of people are ready to engage in active combat with the ruling capitalist order, but we have not seen …

Living with the Lower Case [Gabriel Kuhn reviews A Brilliant Red Thread]

[Originally posted to Gabriel Kuhn’s blog at] A review of Don Hamerquist, A Brilliant Red Thread (Montreal: Kersplebedeb, 2023). There is much to like about Montreal publisher Kersplebedeb. One thing is the political positioning. Introducing a list of “Texts for leninists with an anti-authoritarian critique of leninism, and for …