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first nations

Canada: Not Worth Standing For, But Worth Fighting Against!

This is a follow-up on yesterday’s post, about a Mi’kmaq high school student who refused to stand for Canada’s national anthem and was subsequently kicked out of class, and later “roughed up” by other students. Yesterday i didn’t know the student in question was Mi’kmaq, because the media never mentioned …

Mohawk Warrior Society Distances Itself From Highway 177 Blockade

The following form the Mohawk Warrior Society at Kahnawake in regards to the armed blockade on Highway 117: Mohawk Nation at KahnawakeMarch 11, 2006 It has come to the attention of the Mohawk Warrior Society at Kahnawake that a group of people have barricaded Highway 117, north of Ottawa. This …

[Quebec] Armed Blockade by Indigenous Protesters on Highway 117

Blockade on key highway is partly lifted CANADIAN PRESSADDITIONAL REPORTING BY KAZI STASTNA OF THE GAZETTE GRAND REMOUS – Part of a crucial Quebec highway was reopened last night following a day-long blockade by armed aboriginals protesting against forest management by the province.The Sûreté du Québec said the northbound lane …

Native Warrior Society Confiscates Olympic Flag: Things Are Heating Up

The following communiqué has been issued by the Native Warrior Society: March 7th, 2007Coast Salish Territory [Vancouver, Canada] In the early morning hours of Tuesday, March 6th, 2007, we removed the Olympic Flag from its flag-pole at Vancouver City Hall. We pried open the access panel on the pole with …

[Press Release] Why Did British Columbia Sentence Aboriginal Elder to Death?

“What we need is [an] Aboriginal Malcolm X to put some pride back into these lost souls.” – Elder Harriet Nahanee, 1995 This just is: Fellow Aboriginal activists and concerned non-indigenous citizens demand answers regarding the death of Harriet Nahanee as a direct result of her incarceration On February 24, …