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If I Knew Who You Were, I’d Buy You A Beer

Brilliant fucking action by persons unknown in Montreal, who have very recently engaged in an educational graffiti campaign exposing the sordid history of police murder in this city. As an article in today’s edition of La Presse, with the scandalously biased headline “Des graffitis haineux contre le SPVM” (“Hate Graffiti …

Sarkozy Gets Graffitied in Montreal, And Who Can Complain About That?

The following from No One Is Illegal Montreal, regarding some graffiti that went up on the campaign officies of French presidential candidate Nicolas Sarkozy in Montreal a few days ago: According to mainstream media reports, this past Monday night (April 30, 2007), unknown individuals (“les inconnus”, in French) re-decorated the …

Spraypaint in Herouxville

Yesterday the Collectif pour l’Integration Respecteuse des Cultures au Quebec (CIRQ) went spraypainting through Herouville, the tiny village which has catapulted itself into the limelight, just as it catapults the level of discourse in Quebec to the right… Photos from l’Écho de MaskinongĂ©. “>