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Fundamentalism, feminism and anti-fascism

The following of interest from the london anarcha feminist koelektiv: June saw the fascist and undeniably opportunistic English Defence League (EDL) announce plans to march through Whitechapel in apparent protest at a planned United Kingdom – Islamic Conference (UK-IC) at the Troxy Centre, a conference which would see extreme Islamic …

Homophobic Death Squads in Iraq

queers murdered by death squads in Iraq From the Guardian, this report about political-homophobic murders in Iraq: Sitting on the floor, wearing traditional Islamic clothes and holding an old notebook, Abu Hamizi, 22, spends at least six hours a day searching internet chatrooms linked to gay websites. He is not …

Homocide in Iraq

From Gaywired by way of IntelligentaIndigena: Iraq is one of only nine countries in the world where homosexual people are executed simply for being gay. While the New York Times reports that Iraqis are now able to “enjoy freedoms unthinkable two years ago,” – women are able to walk the …

The Roots of Divers/Cite

It’s coming up that time of year again: Divers/Cite, Montreal’s “LBGTA” pride event. As some know, but too many do not, Pride in Montreal takes place later than in most North American cities, commemorating as it does not Stonewall, but Sexgarage, an after-hours party that was subject to a violent …

Fag-bashing in Quebec City, Boneheads Fingered

Not much to say, other than news reports on a young guy getting beaten up by four boneheads as he left a gay bar in Quebec City last Sunday night. Note of course that the police say they don’t really have a problem with the boneheads, as they’re “only” implicated …