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FOR WOMEN ONLY: After Anti-War movements win or lose in Iraq… there’s still Women

WOMEN’S WAR DAILY #1 [A paper critiquing the political assumptions of today’s Anti-War/anti-imperialist activism by J. Sakai – Beyond McAntiwar: notes on finding our footing in the collapsing stageset of u.s. empire – has been circulated in the current issue of the maoist zine 8th Route.  Below is an alternate viewpoint from …

Homophobic Death Squads in Iraq

queers murdered by death squads in Iraq From the Guardian, this report about political-homophobic murders in Iraq: Sitting on the floor, wearing traditional Islamic clothes and holding an old notebook, Abu Hamizi, 22, spends at least six hours a day searching internet chatrooms linked to gay websites. He is not …

Homocide in Iraq

From Gaywired by way of IntelligentaIndigena: Iraq is one of only nine countries in the world where homosexual people are executed simply for being gay. While the New York Times reports that Iraqis are now able to “enjoy freedoms unthinkable two years ago,” – women are able to walk the …

Under Obama Blackwater Still Works for u.s. in Iraq

above: Aftermath of Nisoor Square massacre, September 16, 2007,where Blackwater mercenaries opened fire on civilians and Iraqi police,killing seventeen people From UPI: Blackwater still works for U.S. in Iraq Last update: 5:48 p.m. EDT March 17, 2009WASHINGTON, Mar 17, 2009 (UPI via COMTEX) — The U.S. State Department re-signed the …

Someone Else’s War (not a review!)

A quick recommendation: check out Lee Wang’s film Someone Else’s War. i was lucky enough to be at the world premiere of this film at the San Francisco International Asian-American Film Festival a few days ago, and think it is a film that should be checked out by everyone in …

Two Dead Fuckers

Saddam Hussein meets with his boss Donald Rumsfeld First Pinochet, and now Saddam Hussein. Two pieces of shit. Two men drenched in their victims’ blood. Two men put in power by the greatest war criminals of our age… this December was their last, and yet 2007 remains stained by their …

Two PFLP Statements on the Execution of Saddam Hussein

The following from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, on the execution of Saddam Hussein by the Iraqi police state. I don’t agree with the PFLP’s feelings about Hussein, but for those who are interested, this is what they have to say, in two separate statements: The Popular …

Les Femmes du Mont Ararat / The Women of Mount Ararat

Les Femmes du Mont Ararat / The Women of Mount Ararat, a film by Erwann Briand France / 2004 / Betacam SP / 85 min / français, anglais, arabe s.-t.f. Contact: [distributeur] Catherine Le Clef, Doc and Co, 13, rue Portefoin, 75003 Paris, France. T: +33 1 42 77 89 …