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Living with the Lower Case [Gabriel Kuhn reviews A Brilliant Red Thread]

[Originally posted to Gabriel Kuhn’s blog at] A review of Don Hamerquist, A Brilliant Red Thread (Montreal: Kersplebedeb, 2023). There is much to like about Montreal publisher Kersplebedeb. One thing is the political positioning. Introducing a list of “Texts for leninists with an anti-authoritarian critique of leninism, and for …

Texts for leninists with an anti-authoritarian critique of leninism, and for anarchists with a pro-rev critique of anarchism

The anarchists’ slogan, “Destroy what destroys you,” is aimed at mobilizing the base, young people in prisons and reformatories, in high schools and training centres. It reaches out to all of those in the shittiest situations. It is meant to be spontaneously understood, and is a call for direct resistance. …

Talking Nonsense Solves No Problems: Reply to an Open Response Letter Allegedly Written by the Amazons-August Collective and NAPLA to the New Afrikan Black Panther Party

I recently received an “open letter” purporting to be from the Amazons-August 3rd Collective (AA3) and New Afrikan Peoples Liberation Army (NAPLA), which claims to respond to an article I wrote elaborating the New Afrikan Black Panther Party-Prison Chapter’s (NABPP-PC) line on New Afrikan Liberation. ((My article “Black Liberation in …

Reflections on the RCP’s "Legitimate Revolt Is Not a ‘Conspiracy’"

Just finished translating this text by the Revolutionary Communist Party – the Quebec-based Maoist organization, not the american avakian outfit – examining post-G20 fallout on the left: Legitimate Revolt Is Not a “Conspiracy” provides a pro-militancy critique of the “Trotskyist and revisionist” left and their shameful rush to spit …

What In the Hell… Responding to Hamerquist on Leninism

A response to Don Hamerquist’s Lenin, Leninism and some Leftovers, by Nate from What In the Hell blog: [What In the Hell] … did I think of Hamerquist’s piece on Lenin? I took a whole mess of notes on Don Hamerquist’s recent essay on Lenin and contemporary radical organization. Then …

Dave Renney: Scattered thoughts on the Leninist Party and Don’s Paper

Dave Renney: In 1914 after the collapse of the 2nd International and the start of WWI, Lenin spent a year studying Hegel. His notes are published in his Abstract of Hegel’s Science of Logic. Among other things he emphasized the importance of the subjective and its relation to material conditions …

Noel Ignatiev: C.L.R. James on the Marxist Organization

Noel Ignatiev: The attached is an excerpt from an introduction I wrote to a book that is supposed to be coming out this year containing two articles by CLR James. I am submitting it with two aims in mind: (1) to correct a misreading of James that has gained currency …

Tom Wetzel’s Reply to Hamerquist

Tom Wetzel: Okay, here is my reply to Don. In general I would say that a feature of WSA’s politics is that we don’t believe in over-emphasizing the role of the political organization because we see the mass organizations as the instrument through which the working class emancipates itself. That …

Don Hamerquist: Lenin, Leninism, and some leftovers

This is a rough piece, slightly modified from two earlier drafts that were circulated privately to generate some discussion. This version is also unfinished and its analysis and strategic and organizational conclusions are tentative and provisional. I apologize for this and for the casual citations and references to authors and …

Drawings Lessons From Our Past: Lenin and Leninism

What can we draw from the past? And how do we draw things from the past? These questions, when you get down to it, are key to our project. Lenin is a figure whose historic role was so major, that to think about him in isolation is impossible. We contextualize …