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Free the Fujian Six! Open Letter from a Young Maoist Awaiting Prison [Chuang]

[This translation was published to on January 10, 2022. Due to unfortunate technical issues on our end, all Chinese characters have been removed from this repost (otherwise they appear as ?). See for the original Chinese text of the letter, as well as occasional parentheticals in the translation …

Announcing kites: a new journal of communist theory & strategy

As the editorial to this new journal explains: In the American and Canadian prison systems, kites are “contraband” correspondence shared among inmates, and between inmates and those on the outside. Tiny, folded-up pieces of paper, kites are slipped past the watchful eyes of our tormentors, passed through commissary or along …

A Threat of the First Magnitude, reviewed by Don Hamerquist

The recent book by Aaron Leonard and Conor Gallagher, “A Threat of the First Magnitude”, focuses on the FBI counterinsurgency operation against the Maoist sector of the left during the decade after 1968. The book provides important, impressively substantiated, insights into the development and application of state counterinsurgency theory and …

The Maoist Enemy: China’s Challenge in 1960s East Germany

This article examines the challenge of Chinese communism in East Germany in the1960s. It shows how the Sino–Soviet Split and the Chinese Cultural Revolution endangered the public transcripts of East German state socialism by undermining its organizing metaphors and principles. Chinese cadres used their East Berlin embassy as a stage, showcase …

Gabriel Kuhn Reviews “The Communist Necessity”

from the Alpine Anarchist website: Those who visit this site more regularly will have noticed that for an anarchist project we have devoted a fair amount of attention to publications stemming from other leftist traditions. There are several reasons for this: 1. We have always seen ourselves as part of …

Ottawa Book Launch: The Communist Necessity

As part of the Peoples Social Forum, on August 23rd, J. Moufawad-Paul, author of MLM Mayhem! ( will be in Ottawa to attend the launch of his book, The Communist Necessity. A sleek and punchy treatise about the problems of social movementism and the need for a “new return” to …

How come so many UK leftists are Trots?

In Terry Bisson’s interview with Ken MacLeod in The Human Front (PM Press, 2013), there’s this great answer to Bisson’s question “How come so many UK leftists are Trots?” : Short answer: because Trotskyists in Britain moved fast on the CP’s crisis in the 1950s, and moved with the times …

Talking Nonsense Solves No Problems: Reply to an Open Response Letter Allegedly Written by the Amazons-August Collective and NAPLA to the New Afrikan Black Panther Party

I recently received an “open letter” purporting to be from the Amazons-August 3rd Collective (AA3) and New Afrikan Peoples Liberation Army (NAPLA), which claims to respond to an article I wrote elaborating the New Afrikan Black Panther Party-Prison Chapter’s (NABPP-PC) line on New Afrikan Liberation. ((My article “Black Liberation in …