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Radicals and the State

Upping The Anti #3 features interviews with Aijaz Ahmad and William Robinson, each of whom discusses different questions, looking at different parts of the world, but nevertheless both touch on some common concerns. I’m not sure if this was the intention of the UTA crew or just happy happenstance, but …

Thinking About Growing Pains

Here are some further thoughts on Upping the Anti, the radical journal out of Toronto, Canada… The most ambitious part of Upping the Anti #3 is clearly its editorial, titled Growing Pains: The Anti-Globalization Movement, Anti-Imperialism and the Politics of the United Front. This is really a look at the …

Hezbollah and the Left

During the failed Israeli invasion of Lebanon earlier this year many of us were both wary and intrigued about the political nature of Hezbollah, the Islamic organization which provoked and then successfully repelled the attack. Flags went up because of Hezbollah’s close ties to the Iranian regime, its religious ideology …

Stan Goff Rejects Marxism

Stan Goff, retired Special Forces, anti-war and feminist activist, author of Hideous Dream, Full-Spectrum Disorder: The Military in the New American Century, and Sex & War, (former?) member of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization… has now renounced Marxism. Or at least, has renounced Marxism as a doctrine, though perhaps not …