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Tomorrow: National Day of Action

Forwarding the following, regarding a Montreal march as part of the National Day of Action: MARCH OF SOLIDARITY WITH FIRST NATIONS OF CANADAFor the NATIONAL DAY OF ACTIONMontreal, June 29th. 2007, 12h00 Noon This NATIONAL DAY OF ACTION is an opportunity for First Nations and Canadians to stand together in …


BECAUSE the Societe de Transport de Montreal already reflects the realities of an unjust society. Whereas a disproportionate number of STM users are people of colour, and an absolute majority are women, over 80% of those employed by the STM are male and over 90% are white. (Source: STM 2005 …

[Montreal] June 18th: Solidarity Picket: Justice For Anas!

This Monday, if you’re in montreal and available please come to this picket demanding justice for Mohamed Anas Bennis: June 18th: Solidarity Picket: Justice For Anas! FOR ACCESS TO ALL INFORMATION REGARDING THE DEATH OF MOHAMED ANAS BENNIS, A PUBLIC INQUIRY INTO THE EVENTS OF DECEMBER 1ST 2005, AND AN …

Sarkozy Gets Graffitied in Montreal, And Who Can Complain About That?

The following from No One Is Illegal Montreal, regarding some graffiti that went up on the campaign officies of French presidential candidate Nicolas Sarkozy in Montreal a few days ago: According to mainstream media reports, this past Monday night (April 30, 2007), unknown individuals (“les inconnus”, in French) re-decorated the …

Police Shoot Another Person in Montreal – Didn’t You Notice?

Last week the Montreal police issued a sanguine press release announcing that they had shot a man in NDG. Seeing as it received only brief mention in some of the francophone press, it’s worth mentioning here. According to the police at 4:35pm cops from the drug squad went to arrest …

A Mayday Action in Downtown Montreal

There will be a Mayday action this Tuesday in downtown Montreal, organized by the Comité des Sans-Emploi, a radical working class anti-capitalist group in Montreal, one of the few which i would consider describing as “revolutionary”. For those who don’t know, the Comité was at the forefront of some very …

Two Arrested in Montreal for Carrying Out Racist Anti-Jewish Attacks

Azim Ibragimov, left, and Omar Bulphred face nine charges for carrying out anti-Semitic attacks in Montreal over the past six months i missed this news item when i was out of town last week: two men have been arrested for carrying out anti-Semitic attacks in Snowdon/Cote-des-Neiges area in Montreal. Here …