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Exposing ‘Little Guantanamo:’ Inside the CMU

The following from political prisoner Daniel McGowan’s support group: From: “Family & Friends of Daniel McG”Date: Thu, September 10, 2009 Dear friends, Daniel’s article, “Exposing ‘Little Guantanamo:’ Inside the CMU” is now handsomely laid out and available for download in screen-reading or printable booklet form! If you still haven’t read …

[Notes from the Underground] The Red Army Faction – A Review

On the left communist Notes from the Undergound blog, Fischer has written a lengthy review of Projectiles for the People. It is reposted here with permission: The 2008 movie Der Baader Meinhof Komplex has sparked interest again in the Red Army Faction. Below is a review, written earlier this summer, …

Worth Reading

Two posts i strongly recommend you all read: Who Fights with Duanna Johnson? from Bring the Ruckus Justice for Oscar Grant: A Lost Opportunity? from Advance the Struggle Please, check them out.

Dead Cops & Spin

The following excellent article about killing cops in Oakland is from the radical queer Back Back News blog : Lovelle Mixon, Police, and the Politics of Race/Rape by Raider Nation Collective( raidernationcollective [at] Apr 13th, 2009 3:40 PM In short, there are those who are automatically guilty and those …

Pass the Roti on the left hand side

Just like to quickly give props to this blog, which i just had pointed out to me: Pass the Roti on the left hand side – a good source of progressive and antifascist news and analysis from and about South Asia. Check it out!

Is Capitalism Finished?

From the left communist magazine Revolutionary Perspectives, put out by the Communist Workers Organization (the u.k.’s branch of the IBRP): Is Capitalism Finished?

The Trials of Ward Churchill

Just to let you all know, Ward Churchill’s lawsuit against Colorado University goes to trial in a few weeks. As the Ward Churchill Solidarity Network tells us: A little over a year ago, Ward Churchill was fired from his position as a professor at the University of Colorado on trumped …

The Crisis Is Here

We have entered a new stage of struggle, a new moment of possibility and danger. Western Europe is in the news; Iceland’s government has fallen, hundreds of thousands from across the political spectrum shut down France for a day, and now a wave of wildcat strikes is giving England’s government …

New Blog for San Francisco 8

There is a new blog specifically devoted to the San Francisco 8’s ongoing ordeal: check it out at at