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radical principles

Reflections on the RCP’s "Legitimate Revolt Is Not a ‘Conspiracy’"

Just finished translating this text by the Revolutionary Communist Party – the Quebec-based Maoist organization, not the american avakian outfit – examining post-G20 fallout on the left: Legitimate Revolt Is Not a “Conspiracy” provides a pro-militancy critique of the “Trotskyist and revisionist” left and their shameful rush to spit …

Literate Frequencies

i was chatting with an anarchist comrade at the recent bookfair in New York City, when he turned to my table and spotted one of my more in-your-face Marxist-Leninist books, a history of relations between white and Black revolutionary organizations in the united states, specifically of the mutually parasitic dynamics …

Radical Principles vs. Poisonous Politics

It would be nice to always see “the big picture”, to be able to act fully informed, to see every angle. You could then act on a case by case basis, always sure that you were not being misled or manipulated, that you were not wasting your energy or working …